Affiliate Marketing Resource

Friday, June 09, 2006


Everyone is talking about traffic on the internet these days. The true of the matter is that you can have the best website in the world. But without traffic, your business is virtually dead.

So, how do I get traffic online? and for that matter, highly targeted traffic which not just visit your site and kiss you goodbye after that. You want them to either buy something from your site or at least leave you with a contact to get back to them later…right?

Internet gurus sells you e-books, reports, or even quick tips that get you excited. But what happens after that? Are you left alone for figure out how to get it to work?

Well…brace yourself. Traffic or just the topic on traffic itself is big business on the web.
Internet marketing gurus constantly come up with new ideas to sell you traffic or at least the idea to get traffic.

So, what are the current methods of generating traffic? The following are just a few we will be discussing.

• Pay per click
• Traffic exchange
• Ezines
• Article writing
• Viral markeing

PPC or pay per click marketing is still consider as the main stream for online marketing. With this type of marketing , as in google adwords. You basically pay for every customer who visits your site thru the search engines. You actually pay when a potential customer click on your ads/site. You will of course have to bid for individual keywords that will trigger your ads. This can be anything starting from $0.05 to $50 per click.

In my opinion, this is a very effective and highly target marketing method but on the flip side it will cost you a bomb if you do not do it carefully. You need to consider you sales performance as compared to the amount of money you spend for your ads. A simple rule applies here. Sales higher that cost ( of ads ) equals to profit. The reverse is true if your cost exceeds your sales.

Traffic exchange. As the saying goes, nothing is free in this world. Although this type of ads may not cost you any money. ( free member available ) You basically need to do a lot of work to earn the traffic. By submitting your ads the site. You get free exposure by looking and clicking on the ads of other members. The more ads you view, the more your ads will be view by others. Since the pool of members within the site come from diverse business background. This type of traffic may not be as targeted as the ones in PPC.

Ezines or electronic magazines is another way to get targeted traffic. Here you leverage on other peoples pool of existing member to market your product. You can submit your ads to the many ezines sites for a nominal fee and your ads will be viewed by members of that site. Remember to submit your ads to the relevant ezines sites to reach the targeted traffic you want.

SEO is acronym for search engine optimization. It is very much related to the pay per click method of marketing. However, in this case you optimize your webpage to attract the spider / crawler of the search engine so as to get your site listed on the top page of the search engine for free. ( call the organic search ) This is the ideal scenario. However, the knowledge behind the optimization work is in-dept. You can of course employ the services of SEO experts to do this for you but it will cost you anything from a few hundred to a couple of thousands for a good service. Therefore, you will need to consider the cost against the long term return you can get from employing this method.

Article writing is a good way to reach your target audience. It is free in most cases. However, you will need to spend time to write on a relevant topic to capture your audience and potential customer. like what I am attempting to do right now! It is by means of contributing first before you reap the harvest. This way, you build confidence with your prospect and they will know that you are not in to pull a fast one on them. However, not everyone likes to write, so it may be a challenge for some of you out there.

Viral Marketing as the name implies refer to the technique of penetration. This ingenious method can be as simple as putting your link into a free item ( e-book, report etc ) and let the power of distribution spread like virus. I once distribute a free e-book from Singapore and it spreads to the middle east in just a matter of days.

Having discuss the above methods. There is always a success and failure story behind each marketing endeavour. There is no one size fits all in life. You will have to evaluate your business cost and skill level before you embark on a particular strategy.

In conclusion, try out different methods and allow yourself some time to monitor for results. Its better to do a good job on one item than having many that don’t work.
There is a lot of work to be done to be a successful marketer online. Built for the long term.


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